Sunday, September 27, 2009! A BIG day for the Boltes! Someone said "YES"! It happened in Upland, Indiana, at Payne's Restaurant. Bethany Cleveland agreed to become the wife of Jordan Bolte, our son. Jordan is a wonderful young man.... but I'd have to say that he certainly "traded up" - for sure!
Bethany is a delight and joy to be around. We have come to love her personality, her heart, and her love for God... and our son. We have prayed for many years for Jordan's wife-to-be. God has answered our prayers with an excellent young lady named Bethany.
She is from Michigan and has great family. I have been thrilled to see how they have welcomed Jordan into their family circle during the dating days. Jordan has put quite a few miles on the Scion Tc driving from Indiana to Michigan. He's made even longer hauls from Alabama to Michigan. It must be love...

Also what she doesn't know is that Jordan pulled an all-nighter and drew a picture of the actual scene that was about to happen. Of course he is sleepy, but the adrenaline is racing! Jordan had actually worked it out with one of Payne's employees to call Bethany up to the current art work to show her the latest displays. There are several examples of wonderful paintings, drawings, and photographs. Bethany enjoys most, if not all, of them. Then the employee says, as she unveils the final drawing, "they are all good, but this one is the best!".
It is a drawing of Jordan on his knee proposing to Bethany in Payne's restaurant! She immediately recognizes it and spins around to see the love of her life on his knee, asking " Will you marry me Bethany?" I suppose she screamed "YES!" and parents, bride-to-be, and a couple of other unsuspecting customers shed a few tears. I did too, when I received an email with a picture of the ring on her hand...
No date set yet, but I'm guessing sometime after they both graduate next May. They really are a pretty cool couple. I'm honestly looking forward to seeing how God uses them on their journey ahead. Welcome to the family, Bethany! We look forward to getting to know your parents and sisters more also. Now.... it's time to give your cheeks a little rest.... stop smiling for a few minutes....