In only 64 days we'll get to hold this little kangaroo! Not that I'm counting, of course... We've seen Savvy, Daniel & Lauren quite often via Skype, but it will be quite a joy to actually hold the little "roo" again. After all, the last time I held Savannah, she was only 2 days old - born on July 23. We are really looking forward to seeing all three of them!
I've been a grandfather for about 12 weeks now... physically absent from the grandchild, but certainly with her in spirit and love. Can't truly say that I've missed the diaper changing assignments though... The three of them will make the long haul from Sydney to California, where they will stay a few weeks and visit with family & friends. Then they'll fly from the west coast to Sweet Home Alabama. After visiting with us, I suspect they will want to travel to KY and surrounding spots to visit friends and introduce Savvy to the mid-west. It will be her first trip to America... We certainly hope it won't be her last!
So... I've been thinking about that moment when we pick them up at the Huntsville airport... Who do you hug first? Should I make a bee-line to Savvy? Would it be more appropriate to first hug and welcome our daughter, Lauren? Or, would it be more courteous to bear hug our son-in-law, Daniel? Does it matter? Or does it imply a sort of priority or a "pecking order" of sorts? How will Lauren or Daniel feel if we rush to Savvy and leave them in the shadows....? Will Lauren or Daniel feel slighted if we go to the other first? Maybe Tami & I should "tag team" the moment: I go to Daniel and Tami hugs Lauren simultaneously, or vice-versa. Most likely Savvy won't even notice... I'll let you know how it goes....
Now, it's safe to say that Tami has been preparing for this visit for some time. She has already obtained every needed baby device you can think of. Being the first grandchild certainly looks like it has its advantages. Car seats, strollers, cribs, clothing, etc. - it's all here! No matter that it's only a short visit.... we have all the paraphernalia.
I'm sure we'll take & post plenty of pictures of the family from down under... we might even get a shot of me changing a "nappie". Counting down the days....
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