Five hundred and sixty students graduated from Taylor University this past Saturday morning. Tami, Caitlin, and I joined my Mom & Dad, plus Bethany's family, as we sat amongst the masses. We had reserved seating - mainly because Jordan was this year's Student Body President. As we were seated and waiting for the proceedings to begin, three people stepped into the row in front of us and proceeded to take their seats. I kid you not - these people had to hail from the "land of the giants"! Midway through the commencement, I mustered up the nerve to ask the young man directly in front of me, "How tall are you?" Get this: 6' 10"!! Six feet, ten inches!! I can't see squat in front of me! His father, 6' 5", sat next to him! I'm guessing that his mom was about six feet! So much for the reserved seating... Luckily there were large screens available that allowed me to see over Goliath & Crew...
Future LA Lakers Star!
I heard a reputable news agency recently report that only 25% of this year's college grads will find jobs. It sounds like an uphill battle for Jordan & Bethany. They are actively looking across the country for appropriate employment - but it's not an easy task in this economy... millions of people can attest to this. Jordan majored in Biblical Literature and Bethany in Media Communications. Pray for jobs people... Pray!
Two Happy Graduates!
I really am proud of Jordan's accomplishments. He has demonstrated wonderful leadership and relational skills. I suspect that they will land jobs soon, and the next chapter in their lives will be off and running. Keep up the good work JB... you have much, much potential. But, next time you invite me to a big event, can you get me some better seats....
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