I hate to shop... she loves it. I love sports.... She goes to a game mainly to socialize. I use almost no covers in bed.... she uses socks, sweats, and several blankets. I put things back where they belong... she places them where ever its convenient. I am a "Type A".... she is not. Do we seem like opposites to you? We've been married for over 27 years and it still amazes me how really different we are!
I suppose we have as many similarities as we do differences, but sometimes the differences drive me crazy, even after 27+ years. But, just what are the really important things....?
Religion: To me it was critical that we shared the same faith. We might even be at different places along our spiritual path, but at least we are both headed in the same direction. The differences always involved where we should plug-in and serve. Should we serve separately or as a couple? Consequently, I changed many diapers in the nursery, helped Tami teach elementary kids, served in the high school ministry, and now we both help out with Young Adults. Usually, we served together, but not always.
Children: I was OK with 2 or 3.... she wanted 5 or 6! This is a big difference! We had three... I won! And they're great! My theory was that getting a table at Applebee's for 4 or 5 people was much easier than getting a table for 7 or 8. Actually, now, we never eat at Applebee's anyway.
Decision Making: I am too logical... she is not. I am conservative... she takes risks. I take too long to decide... she is faster. I make a final decision.... she changes it. Hmmm?!
People Styles: Tami is a "People Person"! She LOVES talking to people (in person, on the phone, on Facebook, etc.). I enjoy solitude. After church, she loves to stay behind and talk to everyone! This past Sunday, we were actually the LAST 2 people to leave. I was ready to depart 30 minutes earlier. Hungry!!
Finances: If it weren't for me, Tami would be in jail by now. No worries though - there are many people there that she could talk to. I pay the bills... She spends most of the money - usually buying things for other people.
Emotions: Tami is very compassionate and caring.... This is not my gift. She is encouraging and helpful. This is not my gift. Are you seeing a trend? I prefer to organize and delegate. But, we both cry as we watch "Extreme Home Makeover".
Even with all of these differences, we are a great pair. Maybe it's a ying & yang thing... Maybe it's a "You complete me" thing.... maybe we are actually attracted to the attributes in each other that we ourselves lack...? Not sure, but I do know this. She's the one for me, even if she does drive me crazy. There's no one else I'd rather be crazy with.... She's asleep on the couch right now.... I think I'll change the channel to ESPN....
Jim-What a gift you have of communicating and telling it like it is for so many of us. Your entire family is an example of what families strive to be. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and being an inspiration:) carole h
ReplyDeletehey!!!! somehow..i look like a real slacker in this.....i'm not all bad and i love you JUST the way you are. hehe. TLB
ReplyDeleteThis update really made me smile. You two are such a special couple and inspirational. Thanks for this Jim!
ReplyDeleteHey Jim, I really needed this so thank you...I was talking to Kris Watts and she pointed me here...I really appreciate you outlining all of this because knowing both of you, it helps make this type of stuff more concrete for me. oh and btw, you happen to have THE BEST WIFE in the world so don't screw it up!!! :))) lol
ReplyDeleteYou guys sound a lot like me and Mike! We should get together sometime and hang out!