How much do you read everyday? What do you read? Why do you read it? When do you read? I've been thinking about where I spend my time each day, and how much of it is attributed to reading...
You've heard that "Readers are Leaders!" Well, most everyone reads, right? Maybe not... I know plenty of people that actually hate to read. Of course they read billboards, packaging labels, street signs, and maybe occasional headlines. But, to sit down and actually spend time reading something of duration.... well, it ain't gonna happen. Often they prefer to be read to - usually via the television or other video means.
For me? Everyday at work I peruse the following web sites for starters:
Reference Desk - You might enjoy this one.
I also get a daily positive quote and a short daily devotion e-mailed to me. I read them all...
In the print arena, I read these:
The Huntsville Times local newspaper
A monthly Bicycling Magazine
I almost always have a novel in progress from some of my favorite authors:
Ted Dekker - Christian Fiction
Dean Koontz - Suspense and Mystery
Francine Rivers - Christian Fiction
And of course, The Bible... (here is an on-line version for you)
Our home office library is full of books. Many are non-fiction, reference, fiction, etc. We even still have a complete set of encyclopedias....! Talk about obsolete!

But they look good on the
shelf.... and maybe our 1-month old granddaughter will get a kick out of them someday.
Not sure if I'm a good leader, but I certainly enjoy reading! Do you?
I once heard a quote that says, "the only difference between the person you are now and the person you will be are the people you meet, the books you read, and how well you know God."
ReplyDeleteIf Kanye West doesn't read, I don't read.
ReplyDeleteNathan...you crack me up! Glad you are READING these blogs! :)
ReplyDeletei used to read 14 books/week from the age of 5-6 on until i started playing sport and then reading went out the window until post-grad school. When i started traveling full time, I picked reading back up. I enjoy self help books or "rich dad poor dad" type of books way more than fiction (except nicholas sparks but don't tell anyone). i just got back from the leadreship conference at willow creek a month ago and Hybels said to try reading at least 30 minutes in the day, preferably in the morning before you start. I've turned it into a habit now and its making a huge difference. In addition to being a huge online reader, i'm branching out to old school print!! :)
ReplyDeleteWhere have your blogs been my whole life...i love how candid you are