If you could have one super power, which one would you want it to be? Now... maybe you might think you already have one, but most of us don't. Popular super powers are flying, X-ray vision, super hearing, world peace, weather control, etc. But let's think outside the box. Anything! No limits! What would it be?
Here are some of my favorites: (in no particular order)
1) To be able to understand what my wife wants!
Now there's a super power! To be able to decipher what she says, and what she means when she says it, would be excellent. My wife speaks to me a lot, but I often, for some strange reason, don't seem to understand her "real intention". An example might be when she asks, "How do I look in this dress versus the previous one?" Without my super power, I wouldn't know that she is really saying, "I like the first dress better - don't you agree?".... Oh... what a gift this super power would be!
2) To be able to have verbal re-do's!
This would be like having the ability to push tooth paste back into the tube. As you know, once it's out, it's out! But with this super power, I'd be able to say something really stupid, call upon my power, and immediately get another chance to eliminate my verbal blunder and re-say my words. For example, when Tami says that she's had a busy day, she's tired, and she wants me to simply say those three magical words that every woman wants to hear from her husband: "Let's eat out", and instead I say, "Yeah, my day was tough too... let's eat peanut butter & jelly".... THIS would be a great time to call upon my super power and instead say, "Ahh, I love you dear... how about I take you to Ruth's Chris Steak House, and Let's Eat Out!?" Score one for verbal re-do's!!
3) To be able to eat unlimited dessert without shame and weight gain!
Oh to have this super power! Honestly, the appetizer-salad-soup-entree event is just something you have to "get through" in order to "get to" dessert. It's a strong weakness of mine.... dessert. I'm more of a pie-pudding-ice cream kind of guy versus the cake-cookie kind of guy... but in a tight spot, I'm flexible.... Of course, eating desserts comes with guilt and calories. So this super power would be used to free me of the psychological baggage and the weight-scale trauma that accompanies this weakness today.
I have other super powers in mind, but these are three that are near the top for me. It's hard to choose which one would be best.... maybe a hybrid version of all three would work. It might work like this: Tami says, "You're not going to actually eat that cherry cobbler are you?" and Jim says, "Watch me, Dude!" Calling on my hybrid super power, it would change to: "Jim, why don't you eat some more cherry cobbler...." and Jim says, "Thank you, Tam! Tomorrow night let's eat out!"... and after my third helping of one of my favorite desserts, I step on the scales to learn that my guiltless actions have resulted in me actually losing one pound. If only....
my favorite superpower is a tie between-
ReplyDelete-being able to understand and speak all languages
-the ability to hit someone with a nerf missile once a day, no matter who they are, or where they are. Imagine the confusion that could cause during important events!
I would sprinkle "peace" dust and end the War!
ReplyDeleteLove your blog BTW! (Renee)