Tami says I need to eat a healthier diet... let me translate that for you: "time to lose some weight fat boy!" Of course, she's the one bringing home Lay's wavy chips and hummus dip. So, tonight before dinner, I thought I'd have a small appetizer of Lay's and hummus. She scolded me... She was in the process of preparing a wonderful dinner of grilled chicken breasts, grilled zucchini and squash, grilled pineapple slices topped with cinnamon, brown rice, and diet green tea. I just thought I'd prime my appetite with a small healthy early-course before the main event began. After all, hummus is made from chick peas, right? Healthy, right?
It's unfair that as you get older, your metabolism slows. I used to be able to eat absolutely anything and not gain an ounce. This is notwithstanding the fact that I was a long distance runner at the time. I actually completed five full marathons and several half-marathons when I was in my 20's & 30's. Long time ago... Since then, my knees have revolted. Now, it's only cycling for me. But, it takes so much more effort now to get motivated to burn the calories and keep the heart rate up.

So if you exercise less, there's no other choice but to cut the food intake and eat a smarter diet. I'm willing to do it, but Tami's not helping when she keeps bringing home chips and dip. I'm a sucker for desserts and salty snacks. In fact, if I was stranded on a deserted island with only two junk foods, it'd be chips and ice cream for me! That's what I'm talking about!!
Nevertheless, I must do two things: exercise more and eat better. Now that the weather has improved, I'm committed to getting on my bicycle more.... no, really! I also know that if I don't stop eating chips and dip, I'll be looking for pants that are size "FB" - Fat Boy....
If you see Tami or talk with her via Facebook, tell her to give me a sporting chance. Pass by the chips and dip aisles at Kroger.... maybe fat-free ice cream could work though.... yeah, just maybe I'll cycle over to Kroger....
Don't tell Tami.