- 8 pounds 8 ozs
- 20.4 inches long
- July 23, 2009
- 7:39 PM
- Lots of dark hair
- Beautiful skin
- Fully functional lungs
- Loving parents and grandparents

After a couple of hours of preparation at the hospital, Lauren started having contractions about 11:00 AM. She delivered Savvy almost 8.5 hours later. She had made very good progress throughout the day, but suddenly slowed when the pushing began. Lauren did not have an epidural. It was determined that the baby's cord was around her neck. (This happened to Lauren at her birth also) Savvy's heart beat remained strong, but this was
preventing the delivery. Once this was realized, the doctor was able to cut the cord, and the delivery proceeded quickly.
Lauren and Daniel both did extremely well. Daniel kept us updated and stayed with Lauren throughout. And Lauren demonstrated a passionate will to do whatever it took to deliver her first born as safely as possible.
There are many amazing things in this world, but none more so than child birth. I've been in the delivery room for the birth of my 3 children, and the waiting room for my 1st grandchild. Maybe the waiting room is tougher for me. But, nevertheless, it is a blessing to behold. On Tami's Facebook, you can see pictures of Savvy during her 1st 2 hours after delivery.
Savvy really is beautiful! She is bright-eyed, alert, with big feet, beautifully colored skin, and lots of hair. She has more hair than me..... I'm dealing with it.... I'm thrilled that I was able to see her in person before I return to the States. I'll never forget it....
Thanks for following us & checking in......
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